untitled, glue, oil paint, foam on wood, 20 x 30 cm, 2016

dead to what (are you sleeping), oil paint on photocopy, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2022

untitled, metal, 29,5 x 91 cm, 2021

untitled, sock, spikes, mirror, 2020

untitled, wrist band, spikes, 2021

untitled, oil & acrylic on cotton, 27 x 35 cm, 2021

left: ABCDEFGHIJLNOPRSUYZ, wood, nails, staples, 26 x 102 cm, 2021 / right: Incidentals in the day world, oil on canvas, 33 x 34 cm, 2022

Incidentals in the day world, oil on canvas, 33 x 34 cm, 2022

A.G., oil on canvas, 24 x 30 cm, 2022

untitled, oil on canvas, 32 x 46 cm, 2011/2022

Big Sky, oil & spray paint on canvas, 50 x 60 cm, 2013/2022

oil on paper, 2021

Dead T--, oil paint on paper, 2021

untitled, oil paint on canvas, 2021

untitled., paper, scotch tape, 2012

left: untitled., paper, scotch tape, 2012 / right: Thunder, paper, pencil, crayon, acrylic paint, staples, 2017

o.T., polyester, metal, wooden sticks, 2017

studio, 2017

untitled, metal bin (in a wall), 2017

untitled, clock mechanism, iron wire, feather, 2019

love hours (S.K.), rubber, shoe, shoelaces, stuffed animal, pencil, 2014

love hours (S.P.), rubber, straps, stuffed animal, electrical socket, 2014

love hours (K.C.), cotton hat, tennis balls, stuffed animal, 2014

love hours (C.A.), rubber, shoe, shoelaces, stuffed animal, 2014

o.T., oil on paper, plexiglass, 2019

XTC, felt, 2009

No's knife, oil paint, acrylic, paper on wood, 2014

untitled, oil paint on paper, 29 x 21 cm, 2008

isenheim, oil paint on paper, 29 x 21 cm, 2008

K.O., oil paint on paper, 29 x 21 cm, 2008

Fiction., plastic bags, A4 xerox, plastic toy part, 2015

untitled, cotton trousers, sticks, 2017

Reapers, resin, elastic cotton band, paper, rubber sole, dog harness, 2017-2018

Inside joke, rubber sole, cotton, 2015/2017

studio, 2017

studio, 2017

untitled, rubber toys, fabric, shoe laces, 2017-2018

untitled, rubber toys, fabric, shoe laces, 2017-2018